gap boys checkered shirt, gap denim skirt, timberland boat shoes, coach bag, giraffe ring from laforet, tokyo, handmade rock ring
view of the sunrise at 6:30am from my house window on the 22nd floor, so beautiful.
lazy (and repeat!?! wow i'm bad) outfit, i just went to watch 'imagine that' today, featuring eddie murphy. oh my god, that man is so funny, his facial expressions are just amazing. on the other hand, examinations are over and i am free until the end of the year. next week i'm getting my results back though so, wish me luck. i think i did okay overall, i mean, besides leaving one whole geography question out, which is like 25 marks by the way, because i read the instructions wrong. go me.
well, you can choose to move on or live in the moment, and i choose to move on. photobucket and flickr are being really annoying right now. flickr is so slow on my macbook, i dont even know why. oh well. ooh, yesterday i went to the mac store and picked up the tinted lipbalm and nude rose lipstick from the dsquared collection. it isnt amazing but i just thought i'd get it anyway since i wanted a new lipstick and lipbalm. then i went to topshop and picked up a cardigan. oh, and upgraded myself to leather timberland boatshoes, heh.
i dont really have that much to say, actually. i thought i had a lot to say but i guess not. oh yeah i almost forgot, the other day, we were at the pet store and my mom and i saw this beautiful chocolate labrador that is 3 months old. you know how some dogs just have that name? the one that you instantly know he is? well, his name is ben. he is so adorable and we are considering to get him. he's a puppy and a labrador, so it will be easier to train him. and he's a playful dog, just like my current jack russell so they'll probably happy with each other. let's just hope my dad says yes. fingers crossed everybody!